Center for Scientific Computation in Imaging



The Center for Scientific Computation in Imaging (CSCI) is a research lab at UC San Diego that focuses on the development of 3-dimensional imaging and visualization tools.

Dr. Lawrence Frank, CSCI's Director, provides the expertise and leadership to make the Center a central resource for the UCSD scientific community and drive CSCI's core research program focusing on advancing MR imaging and its computational analysis methods. The CSCI is an interdisciplinary endeavor, involving physicists, radiologists, neuroscientists, psychiatrists, biologists, biomedical engineers, and others. We are involved in a wide network of collaborations with other investigators both at UCSD and its affiliated local institutions, such as VASDHS, SIO, Birch Aquarium at Scripps, SDSU, and elsewhere, including the NIH, Laureate Brain Institute, Cal State Fullerton, and NCAR.